First trilateral MARTHA Forum - 12 Conservation-Organisations & one target

One objective of the meeting was to get to know the many conservationists making efforts to preserve the Morava-Dyje-floodplains on the other side of the rivers Morava and Dyje. It is urgent to work together more closely, because economic pressure is weighting heavy on this unique landscape.
Against this background every country gave an overview on the current threats and activities in each country. It’s obvious that an upcoming threat in Slovakia or Czech republic is likely to be a threat for the Austrian part of the Morava-Dyje-floodplains as well. E.g., the repeatidly discussed Donau-Oder-Elbe canal would affect the floodplains of all three countries in an unforeseeable extend.
Ideas were collected how to strenghen our common efforts in the region. There will be set up a trilaterl taskforce to draw up an “Common Vision” containing facts and goals for the Morava-Dyje-region, to identify fields, where it is crucial to cooperate and to implement joint activities.

All participants will meet again this year to make an excursion to Austrian places along the Morava-Dyje-floodplains.

Together for a future of the Morava-Dyje-floodplains!

The Morava-Dyje Platform

Das March-Thaya (MARTHA) Forum

ist eine Kooperationsplattform von WissenschafterInnen, Natur- und Umweltschutzorganisationen, die an March und Thaya aktiv sind. Unser Ziel ist es, eine nachhaltige Entwicklung in der Region voranzutreiben und aktuelle Bedrohungen von der einzigartigen Flusslandschaft im Herzen Europas abzuwenden.



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