A Vision for the MORAVA-DYJE floodplains

_DSC1060The river landscape of the Danube-Morava-Dyje region belongs to the most significant natural sites of Central Europe. Like a green heart it is situated between the urban agglomerations of Vienna, Bratislava and Brno. In total the wetland of international importance (RAMSAR site) covers an area of 50.000 ha. The rivers Danube, Morava and Dyje form an unfragmented river-stretch of 150 km.
Unsustainable land-use practices and especially severe river-training works caused negative impacts on the ecological status of the floodplain area. In Austria the main threat is also the lack of a protected area management. Future Infrastructure developments (motorways, bridges, wind- and industrial parks) could severely harm the floodplain area.
For that reason the so called “MARTHA-(March-Thaya)-Panel” is aiming to make a contribution to the conservation and sustainable development of the Morava and Dyje region.

The „MARTHA“ – Panel
Pflegeaktion-im-SandfeldThe “MARTHA” (March-Thaya)-panel is a platform of NGO’s, who are lobbying for the conservation of biodiversity and for a sustainable development in the Morava-Dyje region in Austria. Members are AURING, BirdLife Austria, NATURSCHUTZBUND Niederösterreich, Bürgerinitiative Marchfeld, VIRUS and WWF.

Our Targets
  1. to preserve biological diversity and restore the ecological stability in the Morava-Dyje floodplains according to EU legislation (WFD, Birds-Directive, FFH-Directive).
  2. to foster the consideration of natural values and natural resources in Spatial planning.
  3. to implement the “wise-use” concept for the trilateral Ramsar site in an ambitious way.
  4. To establish a sustainable protection status and protected area management.
Our Work
The partners of the MARTHA-Panel stand up for the commonly agreed targets and harmonise their activities among each other. We share a common webpage, projects and share know-how in regular workshops and excursions.

Current projects and activities by our members
  • Environmental education
  • Sustainable flood-protection and restoration of floodplains
  • River restoration
  • Conservation of floodplain meadows
  • Protection of floodplain forests
  • Protection of sand-dunes
  • Special species conservation projects (e.g. White tailed eagle and Imperial eagle)
  • Monitoring of target species (especially waterfowls)
  • Management of the WWF Auenreservat Marchegg
  • Establishment of a protected area management for the RAMSAR site
  • Policy work for the implementation of FFH-, Birds, and Waterframework-Directive
  • Sustainable Infrastructure Development
  • Restoration and protection of Ecological networks
Contact and further informations:


The Morava-Dyje Platform

Das March-Thaya (MARTHA) Forum

ist eine Kooperationsplattform von WissenschafterInnen, Natur- und Umweltschutzorganisationen, die an March und Thaya aktiv sind. Unser Ziel ist es, eine nachhaltige Entwicklung in der Region voranzutreiben und aktuelle Bedrohungen von der einzigartigen Flusslandschaft im Herzen Europas abzuwenden.



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